Friday, October 22, 2010

Tennessee Pics & Uganda Update

I can't believe that the day is finally here for us to leave on our trip to Uganda!! We will be leaving tomorrow and returning November 1st. Please pray for safety for our team while traveling and while in country. Also, please pray that we are all able to mesh well and be purposeful in our work over there!! I am so excited! I am not sure if I will be able to update our blog while we are there, but if I can I will! if not, check back in November for lots of updates!

Also, here are some pictures of us with our nephew who we got to meet last weekend! Little Garret was born October 6th! I am his only Aunt which means that I have a huge responsibility, but got to spoil him lots while we were visiting in Tennessee last weekend, which is a good thing since they will be moving farther away to Texas soon! We will get to see him again at Thanksgiving and get in lots more spoiling and loving!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Domestic Adoption Blog Post

Please read this blog post if you get a chance, it sums up why we chose adoption, specifically Domestic Adoption amazingly! I love posts like this since I am certainly not one with words!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Homestudy Part 1

Today was our first meeting for our homestudy! For those who do not know, a homestudy is a time for the social worker to get to know us better and to confirm that we will be good parents. It also allows her to get a chance to see our personalities for when it is time to match us with a birthmother. The best thing about the homestudy is that it is the last part of our adoption process before the waiting to be placed with our child!! Today Cory and I met with the social worker together. Next week I meet with her by myself, then when I am in Africa Cory meets with her, and then when I get back she comes to our home! All in all, we should be approved by the middle of November. Please be praying for our future child and our hearts during this process, and that everything goes by quickly!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

When Life Throws Us Lemons

God has been teaching me a very important lesson lately. I have been having a really hard time with a couple of relationships in my life. I have really been trying to hand them over the Lord so that the negativity does not impact my everyday life and so that I can actually get things done instead of focusing/stressing about them all the time. In one of my Bible studies we are studying Ecclesiastes. Last week we discussed chapter 6. Solomon (author of Ecclesiastes) wrote about riches without enjoyment in verses 1-6. His point was the no one can truly enjoy the gifts of God without God and to enjoy without God is idolatry. This led to a discussion about idols in our lives. Most of the usual idols were discussed, then one girls talked about how some relationships in her life can be idols. This got me to thinking about a few of my relationships, namely the ones mentioned earlier. An idol is something that has negative energy and does not bring glory to God. These relationships had become idols in my life. I was putting all this energy into them, but it was negative energy, apart from God, and I was exhausted. I had really given up all hope on these relationships. Then another friend said that if we truly believe God to be all powerful and all loving then we have to believe that he can restore broken relationships as well (she was talking about friends who recently separated, but it applies here too). Our God is a God of hope, I have to believe that there is hope in these relationships being restored. I need to put my trust in him and not others. Through him all things are possible. Mark9:23- "...Everything is possible for him who believes." The other thing He has been teaching me lately about this relationship is that we are to return blessings for insults. No matter how often they hurt me or insult me I still have to love them and bless them. 1Peter3:9- "Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing." Please pray with me that I can be a blessing to those who hurt me and that the Lord will help me to love them and forgive them through his strength, not my own!!

In other news...we start our homestudy tomorrow!!!!!! I have been long awaiting this day and am so excited!!

Also, I leave for Uganda in 10 days!!! It is getting so so close! Thank you to everyone who has supported us!! If you have anything you would like to donate (books, cloth diapers, baby tylenol) let me know! Also, if you have any long skirts/ dresses that you would like to donate that would be much appreciated as well!!