Ever since we started the adoption process I have really been wanting to guard our hearts and not get a lot of baby stuff (or any) so that we wouldn't have it all just sitting around our house reminding us, especially if the process was going to take a long time, which most adoptions do. I kept saying- maybe after the homestudy we can start to get ready. Well, we finally finished all of our paperwork and homestudy and were approved in the beginning of November. So, a couple of weekends ago my awesome friends threw us a baby shower to help us be ready for when we get "the call." It was such a fun time to have so many friends in one place! We are so thankful for all of the fun, but very useful things that we got!! Here are some pictures!

Yay! Your sweet baby comes home today! To quote Dr. Seuss....
Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away!"
Julie :)