Thursday, October 14, 2010

Homestudy Part 1

Today was our first meeting for our homestudy! For those who do not know, a homestudy is a time for the social worker to get to know us better and to confirm that we will be good parents. It also allows her to get a chance to see our personalities for when it is time to match us with a birthmother. The best thing about the homestudy is that it is the last part of our adoption process before the waiting to be placed with our child!! Today Cory and I met with the social worker together. Next week I meet with her by myself, then when I am in Africa Cory meets with her, and then when I get back she comes to our home! All in all, we should be approved by the middle of November. Please be praying for our future child and our hearts during this process, and that everything goes by quickly!

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